04 August 2008

Eventful vs. boring days!

Some days are eventful,
Some are so dull.
Eventful ones are full of joy,
On the dull ones the activity is null!

I am up at six for the hectic days,
Whole day there is so much hurly-burly.
Where as the long ones just don’t end,
Even if I don’t get up early!

The activity ones seem so short,
Although so many things took place.
The boring ones are so very long…
That by the end of it, I feel like a waste!

Though I get tired on the busy days,
End of it I am content.
The unengaged days on the other hand
Make me bored and I wait for them to end!

The empty long days with nothing to do…
I agree are very boring,
But they also give us time to think
And we can sit with out worrying!

So I’m confused…
As to which ones are better?!?
I guess both are required from time to time,
So that there is a balance maintained forever!


Abha said...

rhymes well! :D

Moon said...

Very true...I agree wid evry para :)